Selecting Bracelets Based on Constitution: A Blend of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Modern Jewelry

In the profound wisdom of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the theory of the Five Elements holds a significant place, relating not only to one’s physical constitution but also to daily life choices and habits. Jewelry, as a form of personal adornment, can showcase personality and subtly regulate the body’s energy balance. Today, let’s explore how to choose the most suitable bracelet based on different constitutions.

Five Elements and Jewelry Selection

  1. Metal Constitution (Qian): Metal symbolizes strength and courage. If you feel you often lack courage and easily succumb to pressure, opt for clear quartz, gold, platinum, or silver jewelry to enhance decisiveness and stress resistance.
  2. Wood Constitution (Mu): Wood represents growth and resilience. If you find yourself stubborn or emotionally distant, consider wooden accessories or green quartz. These can help soothe emotions and foster empathy, but avoid gold to prevent exacerbating the lack of wood element.
  3. Water Constitution (Shui): Water is the symbol of wisdom and flow. For those prone to impulsiveness and restlessness, coral or pearl jewelry can bring calm and enhance inner stability and wisdom.
  4. Fire Constitution (Huo): Fire embodies passion and vitality. If you feel a lack of motivation or enthusiasm, red-colored jewelry such as rubies, red agate, or cinnabar can inject energy and passion, helping you regain the drive in life.
  5. Earth Constitution (Tu): Earth symbolizes stability and nurturing. For those who are sensitive and easily influenced, jade, gemstones, or diamond jewelry can provide a sense of grounding and solidity, strengthening inner strength.

Crystals for Personal Needs

  1. Quartz: Ideal for those with poor sleep or excessive mental strain, quartz’s cool touch can alleviate mental stress and improve sleep quality.
  2. Colored Glass (Liuli): With its diverse and soothing colors, it’s perfect for those prone to anxiety and sensitivity. It helps balance emotions and reduce anxiety.
  3. Nanhong Stone: Its warm hues are suitable for those who easily feel fatigued or restless. It can help restore energy and calm the mind.
  4. Cinnabar: With its deep red color, it’s ideal for those with low spirits or insomnia. It warms the heart and aids in better sleep.
  5. Bodhi: The natural texture of bodhi seeds is perfect for those seeking self-cultivation. It not only helps improve personal character but also replenishes positive energy.
  6. Obsidian: For those who often stay up late and have accumulated negative energy, obsidian’s strong energy can clear negativity and restore balance.

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