Dear Seekers,
In a world filled with the unknown and the miraculous, each of us yearns to find a path to inner peace and self-awakening. Today, I wish to share with you a mystical journey with crystals—a journey of healing, consciousness elevation, and energy restoration.
Crystals: The Earth’s Marvelous Gift
Crystals, these powerful gemstones of the Earth, are our guardians and guides. They carry not only potent energies but also information far beyond our complete understanding. As gifts from Mother Earth, crystals play a crucial role in our evolutionary journey.
The Key to Awakening
As the crystals within the Earth gradually awaken, the ancient knowledge and wisdom they hold are beginning to open up to us. In this special time, wearing crystals becomes especially important; they help us connect to the vast cosmic energies being awakened, facilitating our own spiritual awakening.
The Multifaceted Healing Power of Crystals
Crystals used in healing processes can stabilize emotions, calm the mind, and heal imbalances in the body. They can provide strength to women during childbirth, be used in ceremonial rituals, or placed near animals, plants, or children that need balance and healing.
The Synergy Between Crystals and Light
Crystals can absorb and reflect light waves, creating energy that dispels negative vibrations and raises the overall frequency to achieve a higher state of harmony. Placing crystals in a room can alter the energy field of the entire space, elevating its vibrational frequency.
Personalized Crystal Selection
Every crystal is unique, and choosing one that attracts you is as important as selecting jewelry. It will become your personalized healing tool, helping you manifest your desires and elevate the frequency of your space.
The Practice of Crystal Healing
When using crystals for healing, you can hold the recipient’s hand to transmit the crystal’s energy into their body. Double-terminated crystals can be used to channel this energy, activating and amplifying vital life force.
Chakra Cleansing and Balancing
Crystals can be used to cleanse, open, activate, and balance all seven chakras. Placing double-terminated crystals between specific chakras can help eliminate imbalances.
Crystal Water: Water of Energy
Activate your water by placing a crystal in a glass or jug of water. Both the crystal and the water will help stabilize your willpower, and the crystal will energize the water.
Protecting the Spirit from Psychic Attacks
By carrying a crystal with you, you will find it easier to maintain your own magnetic field while resisting the mental attacks and negative energies of malevolent entities.
Meditation with Crystals: Delving into the Inner World
During meditation, holding a crystal in your hand may lead you into a new realm of meditation, as the crystal’s energy enhances your ability to communicate with higher beings.
Astral Projection, Lucid Dreaming, and Imagination
Placing a crystal under your pillow will help you more easily achieve astral projection, relax during lucid dreaming, and enhance your imagination.
Spiritual Enhancement
Traditional fortune-tellers use crystal balls because crystals help them communicate with souls on various levels, improving psychic abilities and insights.
Crystal Grids: The Earth’s Purifiers
If you have many crystals, once activated, they form a crystal grid that becomes part of the Earth’s crystal network, automatically cleansing and purifying the area.
Dear friends, crystal healing is not complicated; it is a recollection of ancient knowledge. During the times of Lemuria and Atlantis, the use of crystals was closely linked with telepathic and intuitive abilities. Now, let us reconnect with the divine, allowing crystals to become our assisting tools, resonating with them in harmony and treating them with respect.
May the light of crystals illuminate your path, and may your soul be healed and elevated.